Firmen Event mit Cupcakes

Unser Cupcake-Kurs gliedert sich in einen Back-, einen Dekorations- und einen Spritzbeutel-Teil. Ewa Feix wird während des gesamten Kurses anwesend sein, um alle Fragen zu beantworten und ihre Tipps und Tricks rund um das Thema Backen und Zuckerbasteln weiterzugeben.

Dies ist ein großartiger, auf das Backen ausgerichteter Kurs, in dem Sie Cupcakes und Buttercreme von Grund auf backen können.

Unter der Leitung von Ewa Feix werden Sie lernen:

- ein einfaches Cupcake-Rezept, das jedes Mal gelingt

- ein Buttercremerezept, das die perfekte Ergänzung zu den Cupcakes ist (und nicht zu süß)

- wie man Dekorationen mit Fondant und professionellen Ausstechern herstellt

- wie man den perfekten Strudel mit professionellen Spritzsäcken herstellt

- wie man mit Fondant kleine essbare Blumen herstellt

Sie können gerne eine Schürze mitbringen oder sogar eine für Ihre Firmenveranstaltung bedrucken lassen. Bringen Sie ein Notizbuch und einen Stift mit, und Sie können während des Kurses gerne Fotos machen. Sie erhalten eine Schachtel für Ihre fertigen Cupcakes, aber Sie können auch eine Tüte für den Rücktransport mitbringen.

We look forward to hearing from you! If you are interested in having your event with us, please fill out the following request form.

Wir freuen uns darauf, von Ihnen zu hören! Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, Ihre Veranstaltung bei uns durchzuführen, füllen Sie bitte das folgende Anfrageformular aus.


The maximum amount of participants is 11 for which we have seating. There is standing room for 12 participants.

The minimum amount of participants to run a private class is 4 participants. 

It depends how fully booked we are. Ideally you should book a minimum of 4-5 months in advance of your event date. Our course schedule is available onlineso you can see which dates are already taken well in advance. A nice idea if you see that your event date is already booked out on a Saturday or Sunday, try to request a Friday evening slot.

Almost all of our private events take place at our location in Waldems which is great because you don’t have to do the dishes when you are done!

We do also offer courses on location whether directly at your home or at an event location. We bring all the ingredients and materials in large transport boxes, do a complete set up and then we bake together. Please note that there are additional costs for travel and set up time to consider when booking outside of the Waldems location.

Events usually take place on Saturdays and Sundays however a great under-booked but just as fun time slot is Friday evenings! 

There are two main options for course durations. There is the shorter course which is 2,5 hours long and includes small amounts of baking and is more focused on decoration and putting desserts together. The other option is a 4-hour course. Courses which run 4 hours have a break with  complimentary finger food. This usually includes pizza or sandwiches or salads as well as a fruit platter. During the 4 hours, the participants are involved in the whole baking process. The shorter option is designed as a quick and easy part of a bigger itinerary and the longer option is for the real baking enthusiast who wants to spend as much time baking as possible. 

Yes, we have a ramp to the bakery. Please let us know in advance so that we can inform you about the seating possibilities. 

The minimum age for participants is 14 years old. The classes are fast paced and in larger group settings. Usually it is nice for the 14 year old to come with a friend or adult so they have someone to connect with during the class as other participants often also come with partners. For 13 and 12 year olds, a parent is required. 

Participants can bring a notepad and a pen for taking notes. Participants can bring their own apron to the event. For baking events, it is always a nice touch when the party organizer provides matching aprons for everyone. Boxes are provided for the freshly baked goodies however you can also bring a large flat bottomed bag for easier transport. 

No, all courses are designed for first time bakers to enjoy. There is always a mixture of foundational baking basics and more advanced techniques on Das Cupcake courses which makes them fun for first time as well as advanced bakers.

EwaFeix’s native language is English however after so many years teaching and living Germany, she teaches almost exclusively in German. Surprisingly the demand for English speaking courses is very limited.Ewahas a thick Canadian accent but loves to teach her baking classes in German!