Olivia's Slime Workshop

Dieser Kurs wird von Olivia Feix geleitet und findet in der Ewa Feix Akademie in Waldems statt;

Olivia ist eine Spezialistin im Herstellen von Schleim und möchte den Kindern all ihre Tricks und Tipps beibringen. 

Unter der Anleitung von Olivia lernst du:

- ein einfaches Rezept für Wasserschleim, das jedes Mal funktioniert

- wie man nicht so klebrigen Schleim herstellt

- wie man Wolkenspielknete herstellt 

- welche Lebensmittelfarbe am besten geeignet ist, um bunten Schleim herzustellen

- wie man mit Ausstechern lustige Spielteigformen ausschneidet

Zwei Stunden lang werden die Kinder mit Olivia in die Welt des Schleimspaßes entführt. 

Der zweite Teilnehmer bucht zum halben Preis.

Jeder Teilnehmer erhält seinen eigenen Schleim zum Mitnehmen.

Kalte Getränke und ein Snack sind im Preis inbegriffen. Ebenfalls in der Workshop-Gebühr enthalten sind alle Materialien, Zutaten und Werkzeuge.

Eine Woche vor dem Kurs erhalten alle Teilnehmer eine E-Mail mit einer Anfahrtsbeschreibung und weiteren Informationen zur Anreise zum Kurs.

Alle Kurse finden in deutscher Sprache statt. 

Bringen Sie also bitte eine Schürze mit und melden Sie sich jetzt an!


This class is led by Olivia Feix and hosted at the Ewa Feix Akademie in Waldems. 

Olivia is a specialist in making slime and wants to teach kids all her tricks and tips. 

Under the tuition of Olivia you will learn:

– an easy water slime recipe that works every time

– how to make not so sticky slime

– how to make cloud play dough 

– whichfood coloring is best for makingcolourful slime

– how to cutters to cut out fun play dough shapes

For two hours the kids will be taken into the world of slime spass with Olivia. 

The second participant booking is for half price.

Each participant will get their own slime to take home.

Cold drinks and a snack is included. Also included in the workshop fee are all materials, ingredients and tools.

One week before the course, all participants will receive an email with driving directions and more information about getting to the course.

All courses take place in the German language. 

So please bring an apron and sign up now!

Course schedule
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The primary thing you should bring is an apron. In addition if you want to take notes, a small notebook and pen. All participants are provided with a box for their freshly baked goodies but participants can also bring a bag for easier transport of the box. 

Yes, there is enough parking at the Ewa Feix Akademie and in addition there is no walking time which you need to calculate in as you would when you park in a multi-story parking garage in the city centre. 

From Frankfurt 
Take the S-Bahn S2 to Niedernhausen or a Regionalbahn (RB22-Direction Limburg Lahn) (more direct and more time options) to Idstein Bahnhof.

From Niedernhausen Bahnhof it is a 12-16 km drive either by taxi or local bus. From Idstein Bahnhof it is a 6km drive. From Idstein Bahnhof you can take the 223 (Direction Königstein) and get off at the Bermbach Birkenstrasse, Waldems bus stop. Then it is 3-4 minutes walking distance up a big a hill. 

From Niedernhausen Bahnhof it is also the 223 (Direction Königstein) and get off at the Bermbach Birkenstrasse, Waldems. Then it is 3-4 minutes walking distance up a big a hill. 

From Wiesbaden Hauptbahnhof
Take the Regionalbahn (RB21) to Niedernhausen Bahnhof and then the RB22 to Idstein Bahnhof and then the Bus 223 to the Bermbach Birkenstrasse, Waldems bus stop. Then it is 3-4 minutes walking distance up a big a hill. 

There is also Bus 271 to Idstein Bahnhof and then the Bus 223 to Bermbach Birkenstrasse, Waldems.

From Limburg 
Take the Regionalbahn (RB22) to Idstein Bahnhof. From Idstein Bahnhof with the Bus 223 to Bermbach Birkenstrasse, Waldems.

For more help and information use the DB Navigator app or RMV app.

There are warm drinks such as coffee and tea offered and cold drinks such as still and sparkling water offered at all courses. These are unlimited per participant. For all courses over 2,5 hours we also offer complimentary finger food. This usually includes pizza or sandwiches or salads as well as a fruit platter. 

A minimum of 4 participants is needed to run the course and courses have a maximum capacity of 11 participants. 

You have a choice. You can buy a gift certificate for a particular course and pay the cost for that course in full and then the recipient of the gift certificate can choose the class date at a later time. Alternatively, you can buy a gift certificate of a certain value amount or denomination and this can partially cover the cost of a course or another purchase in our online shop.